Monday, 29 April 2013

Robert Geneid Giving Back to the People

Robert Geneid

Robert Geneid has also contributed back to the society that has given him so much. He is proud to have given the opportunity to many people (for example, those in the Mulu region) to further themselves and to improve their lives. With the development of the Royal Mulu Resort and the Mulu National Park , Robert Geneid has in his own words, "I have contributed to the establishment of an industry in Mulu based on sustainable eco-tourism. Together with the help of the State Government, my Company has created employment for the local people of Mulu and in doing so, has given them useful skills through training, providing them with income, dignity and hope for the future. This has been a source of much personal satisfaction."

He has also helped the community's future through other ways such as his Annual Scholarship for SK Batu Bungan. This school services the rural Penan community of Batu Bungan, located in the remote region of Mulu. What Robert Geneid hopes to achieve through this act of charity is to encourage the children of SK Batu Bungan to study harder and help their fellow students in the ongoing development of a vibrant, strong and successful community in the region.

Robert Geneid is also a keen conservationist. His years of living and working with the regions people have made well aware of the richness and beauty of the culture of the indigenous people of Borneo. He has also noted that there has been a downward trend in the interest in arts and crafts of the region especially from the younger generation. While this is an inevitable result of progress, he feels that there should be an effort to help conserve this cultural heritage. Thus he founded the Borneo Culture Conservation Foundation with the mission to protect the heritage items of the indigenous people of Borneo so that the rich culture of the past will endure for the benefit of future generations.